The next step.

Over the last two years, I’ve been lucky enough to follow something that’s always been a bit of a dream, but also something that I never considered an actual possibility.

My very first memory of learning how to appreciate the art of taking simple ingredients - flour, sugar, butter, eggs - and turning them into something truly spectacular was with my Gran. She made the most amazing mince pies. To be completely honest, as a kid, I didn’t really appreciate a mince pie for the delicious thing that it is. The fruit was more of an adult flavour (something I appreciate much much more now), but the thing that I really adored was the pastry. The sweet, buttery beautiful thing that was Gran’s pastry.

All throughout my studies, when things were particularly difficult, I would laugh and say maybe I should throw it all in and become a pastry chef. Then, one day, it finally dawned on me that I could do just that. With the support of the people around me, of my beautiful fiance Cam, I enrolled into a Certificate lll in Patisserie at Tafe. And so began my journey into the world of professional patisserie.

Since starting I have finished both my course requirements and 240 hours of work placement. I was proud and honoured to achieve the Outstanding Student in Patisserie Cert lll. I have made many friends along the way and gained so much experience and guidance.

Now, for the next step.

I’m incredibly proud to be launching La Petite Pâtissière, or The Little Pastry Chef. Named so after the fact that I have always used a small, faded yellow step stool to give my slightly vertically challenged self a bit of extra height. This is particularly handy when rolling out croissant dough or any other pastry - that little extra bit of height makes all the difference! This is an idea that has slowly come together over the years, what seemed like nothing more than a dream is now starting to become more of a reality.

I will be building this website up, starting to showcase a portfolio of my work, and keep a little blog going to keep everyone in the loop. I kept my instagram going over the course of my studies and the response I received was overwhelming, and I am so thankful to everyone who has supported me thus far.

I want to keep this as down to earth as possible. I have thoroughly enjoyed sharing what I have learned so far, and as I start venturing into the world of furthering my knowledge and trialling this as a small business, it’s important to me that I stay genuine and true to providing exceptional desserts, whether it be for a small gathering of family or perhaps eventually larger groups and catering. I hope that each creation I am able to produce represents my love and respect for the craft, and brings joy with each and every mouthful.

I’m not quite sure which direction this will take me in, but I’m incredibly excited by the opportunities around me. I look forward to sharing my work with everyone, so keep watching this space - I will be looking for people who are willing to be my taste testers, and in doing so will help me expand my portfolio and bring the things I adore about pastry and the world of patisserie to the people around me.

Thank you again for your love and support.
Yours, Erin